How To get Your First Job On Upwork Without Experience?

Freelance Jobs

How To Get Your First Job On Upwork In One Week Without Any Work Experience?

As an experienced freelancer, I’ve gone through dozens of online job platforms for years. And here’s what I found out: Upwork is one of the most reliable and trusted options out there for freelancers. 

Upwork is a leading global freelance platform that connects talented professionals with businesses and individuals seeking their expertise. The platform gives you about 50 Connects at the time of registration, which you can use to apply for various jobs.

In this blog, you will get to know how to use these free connects to land your first client without any work experience.

Why Choose Upwork?

There are several compelling reasons why Upwork should be at the top of your list when it comes to finding freelance work:

  1. Vast Job Pool: Upwork boasts an extensive database of job postings covering a wide range of skills and industries. My focus was on content writing gigs. Every hour at least 4 jobs were posted on the platform, which was more than enough to handle for me.
  2. Global Reach: With clients from all over the world, Upwork enables you to work with individuals and businesses across borders. You can expand your potential client base and open up new avenues for growth.
  3. Flexible Work Arrangements: Upwork’s platform allows for a variety of work arrangements, from hourly contracts to fixed-price projects, giving you the freedom to choose the type of work that best fits your lifestyle.
  4. Reputation and Trust: Upwork has established itself as a trusted platform with robust security measures and a reputation for facilitating successful collaborations between freelancers and clients. It has a dedicated escrow system that protects freelancers’ payments.
  5. Earning Potential: By tapping into Upwork’s vast pool of job opportunities, you can unlock the potential to earn competitive rates and build a sustainable freelance career.

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5 Best Tips To Get Clients On Upwork

Landing your first client on Upwork is way easier than you might think. I had done it without even a year of experience, and so you can. Check out some tips for that:

Create a Compelling Upwork Profile

Your Upwork profile is the first impression you’ll make on potential clients. Therefore, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into crafting a compelling and professional representation of your skills and experience. Here are some key tips to keep in mind:

  • Optimize Your Profile Title and Overview: Craft a concise and attention-grabbing profile title that accurately reflects your expertise. In your overview, highlight your unique strengths, relevant experience (if any), and the value you can bring to clients.
  • Showcase Your Portfolio: Upwork allows you to showcase your best work through a digital portfolio. Carefully curate and present your most impressive projects, showcasing the depth and breadth of your capabilities.
  • Highlight Your Skills and Expertise: Thoroughly fill out the “Skills” section of your profile. Make sure that you cover all the relevant areas of expertise that align with the types of jobs you’re interested in. Try to fit in relevant keywords of your industry as the skills section of your profile plays a role in SEO, too.
  • Obtain Verified Credentials: If you have any relevant certifications, degrees, or other verified credentials, be sure to include them in your profile. It can build trust and credibility with potential clients.
  • Collect Positive Feedback: In case you’re a seasoned professional in Upwork, encourage your past clients to leave positive reviews and feedback on your Upwork profile. Remember, a proper customer testimonial serves ten times more value than an Oxford University certificate. 

Building a Strong Upwork Profile

When it comes to freelancing, your portfolio is the most attractive tool for capturing the attention of potential clients and demonstrating the quality of your work. Simply displaying your work won’t be a portfolio. Building an effective portfolio is indeed a task. Here are some strategies for building a robust portfolio:

  • Curate Your Best Work: Carefully select the projects and samples that best represent your capabilities and the services you offer. Aim to showcase a diverse range of work that highlights your versatility and attention to detail.
  • Provide Detailed Descriptions: Don’t leave your work as it is for interpretation. For each item in your portfolio, include a concise yet informative description that explains the project’s scope, your role, and the specific skills or techniques you employed.
  • Highlight Measurable Results: Whenever possible, quantify the impact of your work, such as increased website traffic, improved conversion rates, or cost savings achieved for your clients.
  • Continuously Update and Expand: As you take on new projects, be sure to update your portfolio to showcase your latest work. Try to demonstrate your ongoing growth and development as a freelancer.
  • Optimize for Visibility: No one likes to keep on reading large chunks of text. Ensure that your portfolio is easy to navigate and visually appealing, with clear organization and high-quality visuals that showcase your work in the best possible light.

Finding and Applying for Jobs

Most people quit Upwork suddenly, complaining that the platform is saturated. Well, it may be true but that doesn’t mean you cannot get clients. With the right knack and strategies, Upwork is obviously a goldmine that can provide as many gigs as you want. Here’s how to approach the process:

  • Leverage Upwork’s Search Functionality: Utilize Upwork’s advanced search tools to discover job postings that align with your skills and expertise. Refine your search by keywords, job type, budget, and other relevant criteria to narrow down the most promising opportunities.
  • Set up Job Alerts: Customize your Upwork account to receive email alerts whenever new jobs that match your profile and preferences are posted. This will help you stay on top of the latest opportunities and respond quickly.
  • Actively Bid on Relevant Jobs: Once you’ve identified suitable job postings, carefully review the requirements and craft a tailored proposal that highlights your relevant experience, skills, and the value you can bring to the client.
  • Engage with the Client: If the client provides any additional information or requests, be sure to respond promptly and professionally. This shows your dedication and can help you stand out from the competition.
  • Maintain a Consistent Bidding Strategy: Keep track of your win-to-bid ratio and adjust your bidding strategy accordingly. This will help you strike the right balance between competitiveness and profitability.

Crafting Winning Proposals 

One of the keys to success on Upwork is the ability to craft winning proposals that effectively communicate your value to potential clients. Here are some tips to help you write proposals that stand out:

  • Understand the Client’s Needs: Carefully review the job posting and any additional information provided by the client. Tailor your proposal to address their specific requirements and pain points.
  • Highlight Your Relevant Experience: Showcase your past projects, achievements, and expertise that are directly relevant to the job at hand. Provide concrete examples to demonstrate your capabilities.
  • Articulate the Value You Offer: Clearly explain how your skills and experience can help the client achieve their desired outcomes. Focus on the benefits you can provide, rather than just listing your qualifications.
  • Demonstrate Your Commitment: Express your enthusiasm for the project and your dedication to delivering exceptional results. This can help build trust and rapport with the client.
  • Provide a Clear Scope of Work: Outline the specific tasks, timeline, and deliverables you propose to complete, ensuring that the client has a clear understanding of your approach.
  • Offer Competitive Pricing: Research the market rate for similar services and price your proposal accordingly, striking a balance between your value and the client’s budget.
  • Proofread and Polish: Ensure that your proposal is free of grammatical errors and typos, and that it is visually appealing and easy to read.

Standing Out from the Competition on Upwork

Simply landing your first client is not enough. You need to stand out of the cut-throat competition to survive on the platform. Check out some tips to help you shine:

  • Develop Niche Expertise: Rather than trying to be a generalist, consider specializing in a specific industry or service area. This can help you position yourself as a subject matter expert and attract clients who are seeking your unique skills.
  • Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Respond to client inquiries promptly, communicate proactively, and go the extra mile to ensure your clients are satisfied. Positive reviews and repeat business can be powerful differentiators.
  • Continuously Expand Your Skills: Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, and actively seek out opportunities to learn new skills. This will not only make you more versatile but also demonstrate your commitment to professional development.
  • Leverage Video Introductions: Create a short, personalized video introduction that allows potential clients to get to know you better. This can help you stand out and build a more personal connection.
  • Engage with the Upwork Community: Participate in Upwork’s forums, join relevant groups, and offer helpful advice to other freelancers. This can help you establish yourself as a thought leader and trusted resource.
  • Seek Out Referrals and Testimonials: Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews and testimonials on your Upwork profile. These can serve as powerful social proof and help you win over new clients.
  • Offer Value-Added Services: Consider providing additional services or perks that can set you apart from the competition, such as a free consultation, a discounted rate for long-term projects, or a satisfaction guarantee.

Maximizing Your Earnings on Upwork

To maximize your earnings on Upwork, it’s essential to adopt a strategic approach that combines your skills, pricing, and client relationships. Here are some tips to help you achieve your financial goals:

  1. Diversify Your Service Offerings: Continuously expand your skillset and offer a diverse range of services. This will allow you to cater to a wider client base and potentially command higher rates for specialized expertise.
  2. Price Your Services Competitively: Research the market rates for similar services and price your offerings accordingly. Remember to factor in your experience, the complexity of the work, and the value you provide to the client.
  3. Negotiate Effectively: Don’t be afraid to negotiate with clients, particularly for larger or more complex projects. Demonstrate the value you can bring and be willing to compromise on certain aspects to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  4. Prioritize Long-Term Relationships: Strive to build long-term relationships with your clients, as repeat business and referrals can be a reliable source of steady income. Provide exceptional service and stay in touch with past clients.
  5. Explore Upwork’s Premium Offerings: Consider upgrading to Upwork’s Pro or Enterprise plans, which can provide additional benefits such as increased visibility, dedicated support, and access to higher-paying job opportunities.
  6. Leverage Upwork’s Incentives: Take advantage of Upwork’s various incentive programs, such as the Rising Talent and Top Rated statuses, which can help you stand out and potentially command higher rates.
  7. Manage Your Time Effectively: Allocate your time wisely, focusing on the most profitable projects and clients. Avoid overcommitting to ensure you can deliver high-quality work and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While Upwork offers tremendous opportunities for freelancers, it’s important to be aware of some common pitfalls that can hinder your success. Here are a few to watch out for:

  1. Underbidding: It can be tempting to undercut the competition in an effort to secure more jobs, but this can ultimately lead to burnout and unsustainable earnings. Price your services competitively and focus on providing exceptional value.
  2. Scope Creep: Ensure that you clearly define the project’s scope and deliverables upfront to avoid taking on additional work without appropriate compensation.
  3. Poor Communication: Maintain regular and transparent communication with your clients, addressing any concerns or changes in a timely manner. Avoid leaving clients in the dark.
  4. Neglecting Your Reputation: Consistently deliver high-quality work and provide excellent customer service to maintain a strong reputation on the platform. Negative reviews can be challenging to overcome.
  5. Overcommitting: Be mindful of your workload and capacity to take on new projects. Avoid stretching yourself too thin, as this can lead to subpar work and dissatisfied clients.

What Percentage Does Upwork Take from Freelancers?

Upwork’s fee structure for freelancers is as follows:

  • For the first $500 earned with a client, Upwork charges a 20% service fee.
  • For earnings between $500.01 and $10,000 with a client, the service fee is reduced to 10%.
  • For earnings over $10,000 with a client, the service fee is further reduced to 5%.

It’s important to note that these fees are charged on the total amount billed to the client, including any applicable taxes or other fees. Freelancers are responsible for covering these service fees, which are automatically deducted from their earnings.

While Upwork’s fees may seem high at first glance, it’s important to consider the value that the platform provides in terms of access to a vast pool of job opportunities, secure payment processing, and a trusted freelance marketplace. For many freelancers, the benefits of working on Upwork outweigh the service fees, especially as they build a successful and sustainable freelance career.


Upwork Gig Size Projections for 2024

As the gig economy continues to evolve, the future outlook for Upwork and its freelance opportunities looks increasingly promising. According to industry projections, the global gig economy is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years:

  • The global gig economy is projected to grow from $204 billion in 2018 to $455 billion by 2023, a staggering 123% increase.
  • As a leading freelance platform, Upwork is poised to capture a significant portion of this growth. Industry analysts estimate that Upwork’s market share within the gig economy could reach 20-25% by 2024.
  • With this projected expansion, the number of gig opportunities available on Upwork is expected to grow exponentially. Experts forecast that the platform could host over 5 million active freelancers and 2 million client companies by 2024.
  • The demand for specialized skills, particularly in the technology and digital sectors, is expected to drive much of Upwork’s growth. Areas like software development, data analytics, and digital marketing are anticipated to be among the most sought-after services on the platform.
  • As the gig economy becomes increasingly global, Upwork is poised to attract a more diverse pool of freelancers and clients from around the world. This geographic diversification can open up new opportunities for freelancers to collaborate with clients across borders.
  • Upwork’s continued investment in technological innovations, such as AI-powered job matching and project management tools, is expected to enhance the platform’s efficiency and user experience, further driving its growth.

These promising projections for the gig economy and Upwork’s role within it present exciting opportunities for freelancers who are looking to capitalize on the platform’s expanding reach and diverse job offerings.

Frequently Answered Questions

1.Is Upwork good for freelancers? 

Upwork can be an excellent platform for freelancers, providing access to a vast pool of job opportunities, secure payment processing, and a trusted marketplace. However, the platform’s success ultimately depends on a freelancer’s ability to create a compelling profile, market their services effectively, and deliver exceptional work to clients.

2.How do I start getting work on Upwork?

To start getting work on Upwork, it’s important to create a well-optimized profile, build a strong portfolio, and implement effective strategies for finding and applying to relevant job postings. Crafting winning proposals, providing excellent customer service, and continuously expanding your skills are also key to success.

3. What percentage does Upwork take from freelancers? 

Upwork’s service fee for freelancers is structured as follows: 20% for the first $500 earned with a client, 10% for earnings between $500.01 and $10,000, and 5% for earnings over $10,000. These fees are deducted from the total amount billed to the client.

4. What are some Upwork entry-level jobs and gig opportunities? 

Upwork offers a wide range of entry-level jobs and gig opportunities, including virtual assistance, content creation, graphic design, web development, customer service, and research/data analysis. These can serve as excellent starting points for aspiring freelancers to gain experience and build their portfolios.

5. What are the prospects for Upwork IT jobs and the future of the gig economy? 

The demand for IT professionals on Upwork is expected to continue growing, with opportunities in areas such as software development, IT support, cybersecurity, data science, and project management. As the gig economy expands, the global market for these services is projected to reach $455 billion by 2023, presenting significant opportunities for skilled IT freelancers.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Succeeding on Upwork

Remember, the key to success on Upwork lies in creating a compelling profile, building a strong portfolio, and implementing effective job-seeking strategies. Continuously expanding your skills, providing exceptional customer service, and differentiating yourself from the competition will also be crucial to your long-term success.

As you embark on your Upwork journey, embrace the flexibility and independence of the gig economy, and stay adaptable to the rapidly evolving landscape. With dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to delivering exceptional work, you can unlock a world of opportunities and achieve your freelance aspirations.

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5 Best Online Payment Methods for Freelancers in 2024

5 Best Online Payment Methods for Freelancers in 2024

You might have poured your heart and soul into a project and even delivered a stellar work. But, no payment. Weeks turn into months, and the money you earn feels frustratingly out of reach. Well, that’s the case for most top-paid freelancers out there.

In freelancing, sometimes getting paid is even harder than doing the work for which you get paid. As per studies, 58% of freelancers in four Southeast Asian countries are not getting online payments on time. Failure to find a proper channel for international payment processing is one of the major reasons for that.

That’s why we have curated a list of the top 5 payment methods for freelancers. Let’s check it out!

5 Best Payment Methods for Freelancers

If you are just getting started with your freelance career, choosing a robust online payment system is one of the first things to do. Here are 5 payment processing methods that you can consider:

  1. PayPal

With over 220 million active accounts, PayPal is standing out as the top choice for freelancers for over a decade. Anyone can start an account in PayPal for free by just entering their personal and bank account details. Therefore, it is accepted globally.


  • Instant Payment Transfer: Freelancers can accept the payment and transfer the fund to their bank account within a day usually. This may take up to 4 days, depending upon the clearing process of the bank.
  • Easy Management: You can easily create and send a professional invoice with your logo via email to clients. All your invoices can be overviewed from your profile. This way, you can track and manage payments easily.
  • Security: PayPal online payment offers many security features to prevent fraud, identity theft, email phishing, etc. It is specifically popular among business clients due to advanced buyer protection policies through which they can seek a refund if a freelancer has not met their standards.
  • Global Recognition: Clients from over 200 countries have trusted PayPal as their online payment partner. It supports over 25 different currency types.
  • No Setup Charges: You can sign up for a PayPal account free of charge, without any monthly fee. However, PayPal still charges for their services. Check out how.


Apart from conventional monthly fees, PayPal comes up with a variety of pricing structures. The charge of PayPal is incurred in two main ways:

  • There is a fixed charge of 30 cents for each transaction. On top of that, there is a percentage-based fee, starting at 1.29%, based on the amount of transaction.
  • If you are working with an international client, there may be a currency conversion fee. It depends on the country and time of the transaction. On average, it ranges between 3% to 4% of the base exchange rate.
  • There are some additional charges depending on your needs. For example, in order to receive seller protection, you must classify the payments as Goods and Services, which requires a small cost.


  • Risky for Freelancers: Even though PayPal provides reasonable security to Sellers (Freelancers), it provides far more protection to buyers. Clients have 180 days to raise a dispute after payment processing. That means if a client has changed his mind after months and decides to raise a dispute, your hard-earned money is at stake.
  • Higher charges: PayPal charges high as compared to other payment platforms. On top of a fixed charge, it charges a percentage of your earnings. If the client decides to pay in a foreign currency, the conversion fee will also be deducted.
  • Unreasonable restrictions: PayPal’s online payment gateway is often complained by many freelancers of putting strong restrictions on accounts without any reason. If you are new to PayPal or have not used it for a while, it may put your funds on hold for 21 days without any additional reasons. Sometimes, it may freeze your accounts for up to 6 months without any notice. 
  • Customer care support: In these times where even start-ups provide round-the-clock assistance, PayPal provides customer care support only during business hours, which is obviously a major drawback.


Despite its pressing drawbacks, PayPal stands as the top choice in Freelance payment methods. Many consider PayPal due to the ease of setting it up and the instant transfer feature. If you are someone who is concerned about the safety of online payment systems, this one is indeed the best choice. However, many freelancers from regions where PayPal charges comparatively higher fees (like South America), often avoid it.

2. Stripe

Stripe is a relatively new platform that is perfect for freelancers accepting payments from international clients. It is designed to support freelancers and clients of all sizes, supporting over 135 currencies.


  • Low Minimum Amount: some freelance payment systems often put large minimum amount restrictions to withdraw. But in Stripe, you can withdraw amounts as low as $1 USD (based on the country).
  • Add-ons: Just like PayPal, you can create professional invoices with Stripe. Moreover, you can use some accounting tools and track the invoices to keep an eye on all financial reports in one place. 
  • Recurring Payments: Normally, businesses get busy with their day-to-day matters and forget to pay their freelancers on time. Stripe Payments provides a feature through which businesses can set up a fixed payment for the payment cycle. Then, it automatically releases the fund to avoid any fund transfer delays.
  • Low Fee: Stripe payment company charges comparatively low fees as compared to other online payment processing companies. See the pricing structure below.


  • Stripe doesn’t have any monthly fees or setting up charges.
  • Stripe charges a flat fee of 2.9% of the total value of the transaction plus 30 cents. 
  • For accepting international payments, 1% additional charges are levied.
  • Additional fees are charged for advanced features like Stripe Radar to detect and block fraud.


  • Limited Coverage: At present, users from just 26 countries can use Stripe even though payments can be accepted from clients all over the world.
  • Extra Fee on Dispute: Stripe has a bitter dark side that is a matter of concern for freelancers. Just like PayPal, clients can raise a dispute in Stripe, too. But the difference is that you will be charged with $15 fee when a client raises a dispute, which is refunded only when you win the dispute. If not, you will end up losing all the money plus $15.
  • New Solution: Since Stripe is a relatively new payment processing channel, it doesn’t enjoy the same level of trust as its competitors among its clients.


Stripe is obviously a robust freelance payment portal with its own set of drawbacks. It is suitable for freelancers dealing with many clients as they can track the reports easily through the dashboard. Moreover, Stripe charges a reasonable charge which makes it a popular choice for economically conservative freelancers.

3. Payoneer

Payoneer is yet another giant online payment system that focuses on international transactions. It has partnered with Upwork to become one of the most popular online payment processing companies. The UK-based firm is often considered a perfect alternative to PayPal due to its wide range of features.


  • Wide Coverage: Payoneer is available in over 200 countries and supports more than 150 currencies. Therefore, it is a more trusted choice for freelancers who wish to expand their client base all over the world.
  • Instant Credit on Payoneer Account: After transfer, the amount gets credited to your Payoneer account within just 2 hours. 
  • Custom invoices: Just like other payment processing platforms, Payoneer also gives you the feature to create your own custom invoices to remind clients of payment. You can stay on track with the finances by overviewing the invoices.
  • Free Transfer: Payments from clients with a Payoneer account are totally free. Therefore, Payoneer is currently one of the most pocket-friendly online payment systems for freelancers. Check out their detailed pricing structure.

Payoneer Pricing

  • Payoneer levies 3% of the transaction for credit card processing.
  • Charges 2% for currency conversion in international transactions.
  • Payoneer charges $1.50 while transferring the amount to your bank account.


  • Annual account fee: On top of these above-mentioned charges, Payoneer has yet another hidden charge- an annual account fee. In case your account remains inactive for 12 months, you need to pay $29.95 as an annual account fee to use it again. Even though this does not affect active users, many freelancers have raised concerns about it as they were not aware of such hidden fees.
  • Delay in Bank Transfer: Once the payment reaches your Payoneer account, you need to wait for almost another 5 days to transfer the funds to the bank. 
  • Pricing Structure: Although the transactions between two Payoneer accounts are free, other charges are quite heavy. Apart from the bank charges, you will lose up to 2% of the value as currency conversion charges. Coming to credit card processing, Payoneer charges a whopping fee of 3%.


Payoneer is an idle choice for freelancers who target international clients due to its support of a wide range of countries and currencies. Their tie-ups with giant freelance job platforms like Upwork make it a trusted payment method. However, it is not recommended for freelancers who require immediate access to the funds.

4. Square

All the above-mentioned payment processing platforms are mainly for online freelancers. So, what about in-service professional freelancers? Well, Square is the perfect solution for such freelancers who accept live payments. All you need to do is just download the app and sign up for an account after entering the bank account details. It is a point-of-sales system that helps every freelancer to stay ahead of the trends.


  • Add-ons: apart from other freelance payment methods, Square offers many more features. You can make use of the attractive templates in the platform to create a stellar invoice. It even provides you with a website builder to attract clients from the online space.
  • Analytics: Sellers (freelancers) can track your finances in real time with updated data and insights. This way, you can make data-driven decisions quickly.
  • Point of Sale (Pos) system: unlike other online payment systems, Square focuses on in-person transactions. Beyond payment processing, it offers a lot of features like inventory management, customer directories, etc.


  • Square charges 2.9% plus a flat fee of $0.30 for online payments.
  • In the case of card payments, Square levies 2.65% plus $0.10 per transaction.
  • Chargeback fees are waived off up to $250 per month.


  • Account stability issues: Some users have reported instances where their hard-earned funds were frozen without a strong reason. This is indeed a pressing concern for freelancers dealing with top-paid clients.
  • Not Suitable for High-Volume Transactions: The pricing structure of Square starting from 2.65% in addition to a fixed charge is comparatively higher. Therefore, it is not recommended for freelancers with high-volume transactions.


Square is an excellent choice for professional freelancers who want to have an easy-to-manage payment management system, especially for handling in-person transactions. With Square, you can accept almost all types of credit cards. However, freelancers who focus on accepting online payments must have a look at its pricing structure before considering Square.

5. Google Pay

Google Pay, one of the simplest online payment solutions, is suitable for freelancers. You can set up an account and connect it with your bank account within minutes. It is perfect for both online and in-person payment processing.


  • Security: When it comes to security, Google Pay has a clear edge over other Freelance payment methods. It comes up with tokenization, which creates a unique encrypted number for each transaction and safeguards card details. Moreover, it adds an extra layer of security through PINs, patterns, passwords, biometric verifications, etc.
  • Trusted Choice: Just like PayPal, Google Pay is a trusted name in the field of online payment processing with over 150 million worldwide users. Therefore, clients are more likely to use a trusted platform like Google Pay.
  • Reward programs: Apart from other payment processing companies, Google Pay offers exciting rewards for using its system. The reward could be coupons, discounts, or even cashback.
  • Google Services Integrations: If you are using services like Google Workspace, Google Calendar, etc., you can integrate it with Google Pay to optimize your workflow. For example, you can schedule payments in line with your Google calendar or send invoices directly through Gmail.


  • No fees to accept online payments from clients.
  • If the transaction value is under $20.70, Google Pay charges 1.5% or $0.31 (whichever is higher).
  • Charges 1.5% if the transaction is above $20.70.


  • Processing Delays: Processing time of Google Pay may take up to 10 days. Therefore, it is not an idle choice for freelancers looking for instant transfer.
  • Lack of Protection policies: Even though Google Pay offers strong security features to protect the payment system, it does not offer sufficient protection to buyers like the option to raise disputes. Due to this fact, many companies hesitate to fix GPay as the payment method.
  • NFC Technology: Google Pay requires near-field communication (NFC) technology to work in case of in-person payments. The price of setting up NFC starts from about $50, which is indeed a considerable investment.
  • Limited Coverage: Although GPay is one of the most popular online payment companies, it is not as widely accepted as PayPal. It is available in just 65 countries and the ability to make payments varies with the country. Moreover, it is not supported by many banks.


Google Pay is a potentially convenient payment method for freelancers. The main highlight of the GPay payment system is its ease of setup and management. However, freelancers must make sure that the concerned banks and countries of both themselves and the clients support Google Pay.

How to Get Paid as a Freelancer?

Many freelancers tend to stick with a particular payment method throughout their careers. That’s because switching the payment channels requires intense research and even incurs costs to set up a new one. Therefore, you must do in-depth research while choosing your freelance payment method. Here are some factors to consider while choosing one:


Third-party online payment systems charge for transferring funds from the client’s account to yours. These charges may not be as simple as it seems. You need to take a closer look to identify any additional hidden charges involved in the payment processing. Make sure that the pricing structure of the online payment gateway doesn’t steal your benefits from the project.


When it comes to online payments, security is obviously a top choice. Even though all the above-mentioned platforms provide basic security features, some take a step further by giving more advanced protection. Therefore, check out the security features offered by each platform before choosing one.


Some online payment methods set a minimum amount for withdrawal, which is quite challenging for freelancers who use a particular platform for just one platform. On top of that, many freelancers often complain that their account gets blocked due to constant withdrawals. So, go through the terms and conditions of each online payment company before choosing the right one.

International Support

As mentioned earlier, switching between various payment platforms to handle the funds from each client is really challenging for freelancers. Unfortunately, most online payment channels are not open to round-the-globe. You must figure out the right payment solution that supports most currencies and countries so that you do need not to switch the channel each time after expanding your client base.

Final Words

As a freelancer with years of experience, I just have one piece of advice for you- choosing the right freelance payment method is as crucial as picking the best client. However, many beginner freelancers fail to understand this point and eventually end up in account freezes or even bans. Therefore, while choosing the payment system, you must take into account all factors to avoid any such unnecessary problems. All the best with that!



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